Sorry, I don't get it! Fill me in.
Rod P.
true story: i used to drive for long trips on the highway a lot.
three-hundred-and-fifty mile trips were not unusual, and night time driving was quite common.
one night i fell asleep at the wheel, travelling 55 miles per hour along winding mountainous roads.
Sorry, I don't get it! Fill me in.
Rod P.
ask yourself the question "do i have the kind of personality that is attracted to a strong person or entity that speaks with authority, and is very assertive?".
most of us just want to follow the leader.
it makes us feel protected and secure.
So tell me, LongHair, how exactly, do you get to be a free thinker? I thought I was one, until I found out how influenced and moulded I was in my thoughts. Puts a whole new perspective on my life!!! How do you know that you are a FREE THINKER? (And I know you do not mean that you charge for your thoughts. Ha! Ha!)
Rod P.
true story: i used to drive for long trips on the highway a lot.
three-hundred-and-fifty mile trips were not unusual, and night time driving was quite common.
one night i fell asleep at the wheel, travelling 55 miles per hour along winding mountainous roads.
Thank you. Over and Out!!!
Rod P.
most of the time i just walk on by.
i just can't be bothered, and they are not going to believe what i say anyway.
besides, should i tell them i am disfellowshipped, which may scare them away?
Well ok then. I agree with you! Just want the record straight.
Rod P.
testing this thread.
well, after three times, it finally worked.
why are there so many religions all professing belief in the bible, yet all of them interpret the bible differently?
Alright you three! "Nuff of that three-sum impure thinkin'!
I'm tryin' ta figur out dis damn Bible 'n Stuff and you geys keep distracting me with Sexual innuendo. Shame on you!! Paant!!! pant!!!...fades into the dust..
Rod P.
predictions for the end of the world have been going on since the time of christ, and in every century since then.
during the past 100 years there have been more predictions for the end of the world than have been made in all the previous centuries combined.
many of these prophesied dates have since come and gone.. people look around and see the possibility of many different natural or man-made disasters by which the end could come.
Hey Gerard,
Why won't your picture come up on the screen?
testing this thread.
well, after three times, it finally worked.
why are there so many religions all professing belief in the bible, yet all of them interpret the bible differently?
O.K. Gumby, I'll bite. Tell me what kinda cookies ya got.
I hope they're better than those last ones you fed me! Had to go behind the barn and spit them out. Ughhh.....Plaaaah!!!
Rod P.
most of the time i just walk on by.
i just can't be bothered, and they are not going to believe what i say anyway.
besides, should i tell them i am disfellowshipped, which may scare them away?
I am not talking about ego-tripping on JW's, if you get my meaning.
I am saying that we who have been steeped in "JW Think" cannot help but use their lingo and their logic. That's what gives it all away. Kind of like a "Freudian slip". It has nothing to do with showing off or showing them up in an intellectural sparring match.
Rod P.
testing this thread.
well, after three times, it finally worked.
why are there so many religions all professing belief in the bible, yet all of them interpret the bible differently?
While it takes a Subjective path to find the spiritual, once found or realized, and then embraced and applied, then I think what happens is that it begins to manifest in the Objective world thru the person experiencing the revelation or inspiration or catharsis. Those within his/ her sphere of influence will also recognize it, if they are in tune with the spiritual.
As members of the human race, we all have our "input channels" that are particularly receptive to certain truths or insights. Some of us refer to these as "gifts" from God. Others merely see this as "talent", whether innate or learned.
I also agree with you that we are all on a "level playing field" when it comes to matters spiritual. Forest Gump, Bubba, Savants and many of the so-called "mentally challenged" people we have witnessed have taught us all some very important lessons. Even small children (i.e."Out of the mouths of babes") are instruments of the Divine, and some of their insights can be quite startling. I believe that God uses the humble of the earth to teach us all about spirituality in the context of how to apply it in our daily living. It is the Spiritual that drives the Material, and not the other way around. The "heart" is the doorway and the compass to this inner world.
Rod P.
if you think about it, what happens if one of the persons in a marriage gets converted to the jw religion, while the other one chooses not to believe?
or the husband is at work, and the wife gets to meet the jw at the door, has bible studies with them, gets converted, and then the husband wakes up one day and finds he is living with a jw mate.
what happens if a jw couple is out in the field service, and one gets converted to another religion, precisely as a result of doing the kingdom field service work.. in all of these instances, it results in a religiously divided home.
Little Toe,
Yep. Three groups: JW, Mormon and now Ex-JW/Ex-Mormon (i.e. Apostate)
I was disfellowshipped by the JW's for joining the Mormons. I was excommunicated from the Mormon Church essentially because, as an Elder, I asked to have my name removed from the membership rolls, and the only way they can do that is to excommunicate.
Now, as a Non-Believer, don't you Apostates go excommunicating me from this forum, cuz then I got nowhere else to go! I promise, I won't believe. I promise! I promise!
Rod P.